Recover and Rebuild | 6 Free Episodes
Designed to help you assess your risk in safely resuming events during and after the 2020 pandemic.
The SAFE™ On-Demand MiniLearning course is created to help you build risk management leadership skills that it takes not only to recover but to rebuild your meetings and events in a post pandemic world. Safety of people is the #1 priority and preparedness is the #1 leadership skill. New episodes are built in real-time to address the challenges we all face in delivering meetings that are a safe as possible.
Delivered via desktop, tablet, or mobile: it's development whenever - and wherever - you need it.
The Courses
On-Demand MiniLearning is made up of 3-5 minute mini-episodes that are short and to the point. Each episode is paired with a downloadable worksheet to reinforce the learning and understanding.
This e-learning program is ideal for those who need quick, effective development combined with flexibility and scale in delivery.

View the Introduction
Your Duty of Care – Be Safe, Feel Safe
Explore your legal, moral, and ethical responsibilities for reopening meetings and events. This episode will highlight the “HOW” of the Recovery stage so that you can move into the Rebuilding stage.
- Explore the Four Duty of Care Standards™
- Learn the "how" of the Recovery Stage
- Examine how the same Duty of Care Standards apply to F+B, DMC, Venue
Recovery: Pandemic Learning Lookback
Learn to use your event debrief expertise to review your team’s preparedness to the lockdown and subsequent event/meeting cancellations. Apply a learning lookback to begin the recover and rebuild initiative.
- Examine data critical to the after-action review of the impact of the pandemic
- Apply a "learning lookback"
- Create a written report summarizing preparedness
Stage 1: Pandemic Vulnerability Study
Review your duty to research, inform, and recommend for your new or re-booked post pandemic meetings. Identify how to put safety first and protect the legal, financial and reputation integrity of the organization.
- Determine whether you can create an event that achieves the business purpose.
- Identify factors that influence the achievement of a safe and successful event.
- Protect the reputation and legal/financial integrity of the organization.
Alternatives to Bullet-Proof Force Majeure and Liability Clauses*
Of all things you could include to your force majeure clause, what MUST you include?
*No absolute guarantees, of course
Alternatives to Bullet-Proof Force Majeure and Liability Clauses*
What can you do to protect from liability for a sick attendee?
*No absolute guarantees, of course
Preparedness is the #1 Leadership Skill for Rebuilding
If safety of people is the #1 priority for meetings to move forward, then preparing for the inevitable next pandemic, weather catastrophe, act of violence, or terrorism is the top leadership skill. The number one skill is passion for preparedness followed by a high EQ.